Springdale Farms
media coverage
Breaking News!
Our farm was featured on the local NBC affiliate in a series on climate change.
Jersey Fresh
In Season!
Greenhouse Tomatoes, Basil, and Asparagus are all Jersey Fresh right now!
reader poll
A Big Thank You!
A big thank you to our customers for voting us your favorite farm stand in SJ Mag's Readers' Poll!
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Keep in Touch!
For the most up to date news, photos and more also be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

"Farm Fresh" isn't just our lifestyle, It's our life!

Next Gen Farmers
For almost 75 years our family has been growing and selling fresh fruits and vegetables on Springdale Road.

Much has changed since 1949, but our commitment to sustainable farming is as firm as ever. Our family, our farming, our land is increasingly part of this great community we call Cherry Hill, NJ.

We are Cherry Hill's last working farm. Please take a moment and read about the history of our farm.

We are looking forward to the next 75 years!

- John, Maryann and Tom
- Alan, Clayton and Michala (the next generation)

Share Our Site:
1638 South Springdale Road
Cherry Hill, NJ, 08003

Daily: 8AM - 6PM

Get directions to our farm right from your door.

Click for the latest Cherry Hill Township weather forecast.

Fresh Grown